
Radio Personality
Phone: 3304966
Address: 231 Waimanu Road, Suva
Brief info

Meet Steven, or as most people affectionately call him, Stee. He's the kind of person who effortlessly connects with everyone around him. Whether you're a colleague, a friend, or a random stranger, Stee has a remarkable ability to make you feel comfortable and valued in his presence. It's as if he has an innate understanding of human dynamics and knows exactly how to navigate any social situation with ease.

But what's truly fascinating about Stee is his uncanny knack for uncovering details about people that no one could have imagined existed. It's almost like he possesses a secret vault of information about everyone he encounters. Whether it's a little-known hobby, an obscure fact about their favorite book, or even a hidden talent, Stee somehow manages to dig deep and uncover these hidden gems. His ability to remember and recall these details is nothing short of astounding.

To be honest, it's a bit perplexing for those who know Stee. We're left wondering how he manages to gather such an extensive collection of personal information. It's not like he's intentionally prying or invading people's privacy. In fact, he's one of the most respectful and considerate individuals you'll ever meet. It's almost as if these details simply gravitate toward him, drawn by his genuine interest and unwavering curiosity in the people he encounters.

And that's exactly what makes Stee such a beloved figure in our community. People appreciate his ability to truly see them and remember the little things that others might overlook. It creates a sense of connection and makes each person feel significant and valued in their own unique way.

If you're ever curious to witness the magic of Stee for yourself, you can tune in to his radio show, "Drive," every weekday afternoon from 2pm to 7pm. It's during these hours that Stee shares his infectious energy, intriguing stories, and, of course, his remarkable ability to bring people together. Listening to Stee is like taking a journey into the hearts and minds of those around us, discovering hidden depths and surprising details that make us all feel a little more understood.

So, join Stee on "Drive," and prepare to be amazed as he unravels the threads of our community, weaving them together into a rich tapestry of connection and shared experiences. After all, there's no better guide than Stee to remind us of the beauty that lies within each and every one of us.

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